Water is life: Take action to help end drinking water advisories in First Nation communities

We dip our toes in it. We listen to it rain down on our rooftops. We use it to brew our coffee, brush our teeth, wash our hands. Up to 60% of our bodies are made of it. Water is life. It's easy to take for granted because access to safe water is a basic human right. Or is it? The truth a little murkier. 61 indigenous communities in Canada are under water-boil advisories. They don't have clean water for drinking or sanitation, even though Canada is one of the most water-rich countries in the world. Some First Nation communities have lived with water advisories for more than a decade and are forced to boil water or use bottled water. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reassured these communities that he would end the water advisories by March 2021, which would be a great way to celebrate World Water Day. Sadly, we won't be celebrating because the Canadian government says that Covid-19 may delay its target deadline. To those First Nation communities, water is a reason to make waves and take action. It's something they long for. It's a need not being fulfilled. Ask yourself this: What does water mean to you?
URGENT ACTION NEEDED: This just in from Ontario Nature, we need to save wetlands in Pickering
Developers are looking to destroy a large Provincially Significant Wetland in Pickering to make room for a warehousing facility. This is unacceptable but if we act fast we may be able to save these wetlands.
Help from home: 5 ways you can help save Canada's wetlands, without getting wet
If you drank a glass of water today, washed dishes, flushed the toilet, boiled a pot, or filled up your dog's water dish, you probably benefited from a wetland. Wetlands are responsible for providing us with the clean water we drink and use every day. Ontario boasts 330,000 square kilometres of wetlands and currently accounts for about 25% of all the wetlands in Canada and 6% of global wetlands. Wetlands hold billions of litres of water that they help naturally filter and purify. They provide flood control, habitat and feeding ground for a variety of species, and act as carbon storage. I really enjoy hiking in the wetlands- they are wonderful recreational and educational ecosystems.
Doggy PFD: Float on with the best life preservers and life jackets for dogs
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Does your dog use a personal floatation device? Are you looking to test the waters with a dog life preserver? Swim season means that many dog owners will be dipping their toes into stores, trying to buy the best life jacket for their dog. So what is the best life jacket for your dog? That depends on a lot of things. It depends on your dog breed, your budget, and how much time your dog spends in the water. There are lots of great life jackets for dogs. I've been searching online to try and find the best life preservers for your dog.
Summer on the water: Can I teach my dog to swim? (and other dog swimming safety tips)
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The sun is hinting towards warmer weather and that means it’s almost time for my dogs to go swimming! Some dogs- like mine- love the water. Before taking the plunge, make sure you are prepared to take your dog swimming safely. Swimming and other water play with your dog is a great way to beat the heat and can be a bonding experience. Whether you go to a swimming destination or are just swimming in the backyard pool, safety precautions must be taken.
Happy National Dolphin Day!
Whales are my favourite creatures on this Earth, but dolphins are a close second! April 14, 2017 is National Dolphin Day! Learn how you can protect Canadian dolphins by visiting Oceana Canada! CLICK HERE!
Dolphin photo by brownpau Flickr
Hanging with Keira: Keira's beach story
At first, Keira was excited about the beach...
...but the weather turned dark...