Favourite treats: On International Dog Biscuit Day anything in paw-sible
If your dog is hounding you for treats on February 23, then your pooch could already know that it is International Dog Biscuit Day! Who started this strange holiday is a mystery, but all of your doggos will be grateful that this holiday
pitter-pattered onto your calendar.
Not all treats are cut from the same bone-shaped cookie cutter- some are tasty but not very safe. When James Spratt of
England invented the first dog biscuits in 1860, I’m certain that he had no
idea that his patented ‘Meat Fibrine Dog Cakes’ would evolve into the dog
treat industry that we see today. In modern times dog treats fill the shelves,
and they are not all just grains and vegetables and ‘gelatinous prairie beef’ like
Spratt’s recipe. The biscuit has evolved into chews, rawhides, freeze-dried
organs meats, parts of animals and treats targeted to promote specific health
How Pet Insurance Covers Heart Failure
your heart skip a beat when you see your dog? Mine sure does, because I love my
crazy mutts! Perhaps it’s a subtle reminder that heart health is so important. Heart failure in dogs is caused by heart disease and can
be very expensive to treat. It’s a life-long condition that includes chronic
medication, veterinary visits and lifestyle changes. There are two primary ways
the heart can fail, and some breeds are more prone to heart disease than
heart failure is covered by pet insurance companies, there are some
restrictions depending on the company or policy. Like all pet insurance
policies, heart failure is not covered if it is a pre-existing condition. Since
heart failure requires such extensive treatment, pet insurance is a great tool
to have in your tool box. Managing heart disease is stressful enough, so having
expensive veterinary bills covered can relieve some of that stress so you can
focus on giving your canine companion some much deserved love!
crisis: The history of Earth Day and how the leaders of today have
let us down
Every year communities across the planet celebrate Earth
Day, but not everyone knows the history of this environmental day of awareness.
Almost 48 years ago on April 22, 1970, millions of people hit the streets to
protest the negative impacts on the environment of 150 years of industrial
development. Smog had become so bad that in some areas it was deadly and there
was evidence that smog pollution was detrimental to human health. Smog
pollution was shown to cause developmental delays in children. Pesticides and
pollutants were negatively impacting the environment and biodiversity were in
decline. It was the beginning of the climate crisis that we are still dealing
with to this day.
five R’s of plastic pollution: Why Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
isn’t enough, and tips for living plastic free
Most of us grew up being taught the 3 R’s- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. When
it came to going green and protecting the environment, the 3 R’s was where it
all began. Fast forward to 2018 and the progression of pollution and human-caused climate change is far more devastating than we could have predicted. We
are in a climate crisis, and 3 R’s just isn’t enough.
Microplastic and why it's a huge problem
Plastic pollution is a big problem, but the biggest problem
when it comes to plastic pollution is the smallest plastic of all- microplastic.
Microplastic may seem like a tiny issue that is easy to ignore, because they can
be impossible to see unless under a microscope, but the truth is microplastic
effects us in so many ways. Microplastic is a detriment to both the environment, climate change and our health and wellness.
plastic pollution: Earth Day focus on people and their plastic
This year’s Earth Day theme encourages us to take a closer
look at our use of consumer plastics and one-time use plastic like straws, bags
and water bottles, and how it affects the planet. Every year, Earth
Day Network launches campaigns to inspire people to take part in Acts
of Green, to help heal the planet and educate about pollution. The goal for
2018 is to have people commit to End Plastic Pollution.