Wild Wednesday: Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary is keeping wildlife wild and bears beary happy
Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary is going big things with big wildlife! Since we featured the Sanctuary last year on Wild Wednesday, the team has built new enclosures for some of their furry permanent residents, including three adorable bears named Clyde, Paddington, and Honey Pot. I dusted my paws off and caught up with Linda Glimps, Executive Director at Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary to learn more about their appropriately named bears and other recent achievements since the last Wild About Wildlife Month.
Wild Wednesday: Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre is spreading its wings and flying to a new location
We wake to their song and watch their beauty paint the sky. Birds are a part of our everyday life. We may go months without seeing other wildlife, but not a day does by that we don't see several different species of birds. Injured and orphaned birds require very specific care, and when a bird is in need the Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre (OVWBCC) swoops in and takes it under its wing.
Remembering an unforgettable dog: It's been a year since we said goodbye to Keira
I read a quote recently that resonated with me. It said, "Grief does not shrink, we expand to accommodate it." The hole that Keira left in my life (and in Hazel's life) is as large as it was a year ago, but Hazel and I have grown to accept that it will always be there. On July 13, 2020, I made the difficult decision to euthanize my sweet, beloved Keira. Even though it was the right thing to do because she was suffering from an unknown illness (possibly gastric cancer) I had a hard time letting her go. I remember being in total disbelief. It's hard to believe a year has gone by already.
July is Wild About Wildlife Month: Wild Wednesday celebrates local wildlife conservation
Are you feeling wild? You should be! Wednesday is Wild About Wildlife Month! Paws For Reaction is showing some love for local wildlife rescue workers! Veterinary professionals, scientists, nature conservationists, and volunteers in the Ottawa region are working hard to save and support wildlife in need. They are launching stewardship programs, repopulating endangered species, fighting for protected lands, and rehabilitating wildlife at sanctuaries. Their hard work and dedication is vital to the survival of local wildlife.
National Indigenous Peoples Day: Children of residential schools were silenced and we need to speak up
The summer solstice arrived today with the rising sun. The sun also brought us National Indigenous Peoples Day, a holiday to recognize the contribution and celebrate the history, heritage, and culture of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. June is National Indigenous History Month but First Nations peoples have been on our minds since the sad discovery last month. The 215 children discovered buried at the Indian residential school (IRS) in Kamloops opened a wound for Canadians that has never healed for First Nations peoples; it's been festering. The history of the colonization of Canadian Indigenous people is a dark one, and there is no doubt new tragedies will be unearthed in the near future. I visited the memorial that has been created at Parliament in Ottawa to pay my respects to the lives lost in the IRS system.
Pet perspectives: Why a canine parvovirus outbreak made me want to get my COVID-19 vaccine

I’ve been thinking a lot about today. My mind returns to when I worked through a canine parvovirus outbreak. It was the most difficult time of my career. In veterinary medicine, we administer more vaccines than some human general practitioners do in their whole careers. We are educated about vaccines and their value, safety, and efficacy. That being said, I don’t often think “I’m glad I don’t have polio.” This moment in my career made me consciously think “Vaccines are so important to survival.” Most patients who contract parvo are puppies, but we see older patients suffering from this highly contagious infectious disease- that can be vaccinated against. I remember our team desperately trying to save a litter of puppies. One by one they died and one by one we grieved them. We did everything we could, at our clinic’s expense (average cost $1000-$2000 per pup to treat), sometimes on our own time. Because you're in full PPE, we couldn’t hold them against our warm skin. We couldn’t kiss their noses or pet their fur. We gave love through paper and plastic.
Happy Earth Day: Environmental stories for dog owners, animal lovers, and climate activists
It's the greenest day of the year- Earth Day! This is the second Earth Day, April 22nd, we've celebrated during the COVID-19 pandemic. It saddens me that a year later Ontario is in worse shape. I hope you find a safe way to do something positive for the planet today. Interested in learning more about living sustainably and fighting climate change? Check out the green headlines on Paws For Reaction! These are the best posts about climate change, pollution, wildlife, the outdoors, and environmental action.
Covid-19 and climate change: Pandemic's positive impacts on pollution were temporary, but damaging effects will be lasting
Climate change took a backseat in the media as the planet's greatest threat when the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe in 2020. It's been more than a year since the first Covid-positive case was reported and we are entering another lockdown in Ontario. Looking back, I remember how optimistic I was the first time we entered a lockdown. Not just optimistic about the health and safety of our nation, but optimistic for the health of the planet. During that lockdown, we saw wildlife emerge from the wilderness and take their rightful place in our urban areas that were one their home. We saw marine life break the surface of the water in places it had not been seen before. The planet took a deep, cleansing breath.
Cleaning the Capital: Campaign on hold but litter collection doesn't have to be
I was excited to register for the Cleaning the Capital spring campaign and participate in city-wide trash collection during Earth Month. The pandemic delivered me another disappointment when the City of Ottawa announced the Cleaning the Capital Spring campaign would be placed on hold due to the current Ontario COVID-19 lockdown. My intention when I registered was to do trash collection on my own, so I could stay safe and physically distance from others. We are encouraged to only leave the home when it's essential, but I consider picking up litter in my neighborhood to be essential.
Water is life: Take action to help end drinking water advisories in First Nation communities

We dip our toes in it. We listen to it rain down on our rooftops. We use it to brew our coffee, brush our teeth, wash our hands. Up to 60% of our bodies are made of it. Water is life. It's easy to take for granted because access to safe water is a basic human right. Or is it? The truth a little murkier. 61 indigenous communities in Canada are under water-boil advisories. They don't have clean water for drinking or sanitation, even though Canada is one of the most water-rich countries in the world. Some First Nation communities have lived with water advisories for more than a decade and are forced to boil water or use bottled water. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reassured these communities that he would end the water advisories by March 2021, which would be a great way to celebrate World Water Day. Sadly, we won't be celebrating because the Canadian government says that Covid-19 may delay its target deadline. To those First Nation communities, water is a reason to make waves and take action. It's something they long for. It's a need not being fulfilled. Ask yourself this: What does water mean to you?
How you can help #NOMV: Veterinary community and animal lovers raise awareness after three vet med professionals die by suicide
If you follow animal or veterinary groups on social media or are friends with someone working in veterinary medicine, you may have seen profile pictures change to support #NOMV. This stands for Not One More Vet, and it's trending for the worst reason. In the past two weeks, three veterinarians (Josh Smith) and one veterinary technician died by suicide. I extend my most sincere sympathies to their family, friends, and colleagues. Sadly, it's a story we in the veterinary profession have heard before. According to the most recent data available in the United States, depending on gender, veterinarians are 1.6 to 2.4 times more likely to die by suicide than the general population and veterinary technicians are 2.3 to 5 times more likely. The veterinary profession has the highest rate of deaths by suicide of any profession.
URGENT ACTION NEEDED: This just in from Ontario Nature, we need to save wetlands in Pickering
Developers are looking to destroy a large Provincially Significant Wetland in Pickering to make room for a warehousing facility. This is unacceptable but if we act fast we may be able to save these wetlands.
It's 2021: Time to stop calling women hysterical
I was moderating comments on my blog and discovered a comment left on my article Real talk: Does a veterinary hospital have to see your pet?. It said the article was very "crass" and should have "a rant warning." To be fair, in the first paragraph of the article I state I'm aware I'm going to ruffle some feathers and the article may sound harsh. The male commenter then said the article was "obviously written by a hysterical woman. Yikes." After some consideration, I deleted it.
The regular person’s guide to becoming a climate activist

I’ve always felt a deep connection to nature. Growing up I was passionate about aquatic life and had an interest in wildlife extinction. I used to drag my little sister to the stream behind our housing development and collect samples to analyze. We would catch frogs and collect algae. Mostly we would get covered in mud despite my mother’s strict instructions to ‘not get dirty.’ I decided I was going to be a marine biologist when I grew up, long before my dreams of being a writer surfaced. The problem was I didn’t excel in science and math and I knew my grades would never reflect my passion. I had to set my scientist dreams aside. It was clear to me that my talents were limited to pen and paper. But my connection to nature never went away, and as I grew, that connection grew with me. I became aware of climate change and the harm humanity is inflicting on the planet and that the list of extinct animals is getting longer. I couldn’t sit back and watch without doing something. But what could I do? I’m just a regular person.
Hanging with Hazel: The ups and downs of working from home
You all know me- I'm Hazel. I'm having the best time being a big city dog. Mum is disappointed that the rona is still pretty bad. I pretend that it bothers me too, but I have a secret. The rona is the best thing that has ever happened to a big city dog like me. Before the rona mum used to leave me all day. She would go somewhere called 'work' and come back with all kinds of weird smells I didn't recognize. And I'm pretty sure she was eating food without sharing it with me! Since the rona got bad she is with me every day working from home! Now I'm not just a big city dog- I'm a big career dog! Mum and I work from home together, which is mostly great because mum doesn't eat any food without my strict oversight. But it does have its challenges.
Bark the halls: Merry Christmas and happy holidays from Hazel
This holiday season we were gifted with further Covid-19 lockdowns in Ontario. I know for folks in assisted living facilities, small business owners, non-essential workers, and single people who live alone, this news is a tough turkey to swallow. For the next 28 days, some of us will be separated from the people we love the most. It will be difficult, but we will get through this together.
Feeding Ottawa's fur-families: Ottawa Paw Pantry is dedicated to supporting community pets in need
Food banks have been a lifeline for people struggling to make ends meet. I'm not immune to struggle- I have used the services of the Food Bank. That's why donating to and supporting local food banks has been a passion of mine. But what about our pets? They're family and we are responsible for feeding them, but sometimes we need help. In Ottawa there is a non-profit that has been dedicated to supporting fur-families in need.
The 12 ways of Christmas: 12 ways you can support animals, wildlife, and children in need
On the first day of Christmas, my community gave to me a helping hand and a second chance. I've decided to kick the 12 days of Christmas to the curb and replace it with the 12 ways of Christmas. Don't worry, I still included some birds! This year has been a struggle and the community needs your support and generosity. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ontario Government has supported people's financial struggles. But what about support for those who rarely voice their needs: pets, wildlife, nature, and children? Paws For Reaction is a voice for the voiceless, and that's what the 12 ways of Christmas are all about.
Toxic food, dangerous decorations, and problematic parties: How to keep your pet safe from dangerous holiday hazards
I enjoy holiday food and festivities! As much as I know Hazel loves her advent calendar and opening her stocking on Christmas morning, I'm well aware that including her in some holiday traditions has me barking up the wrong Christmas tree. The holidays can be loud and scary for a pet. It can be sensory overload, and at times they can feel threatened. Your pet is a valued member of the family, and ensuring they are safe and comfortable during this festive season is important. The holidays pose many risks for your pet- health risks as well as a risk of heightened anxiety. Christmas dangers are everywhere, so it's important to keep your pet safe. I've put together a comprehensive list of holiday hazards and tips about how to keep your pet safe during the Christmas season.
Under your wing: How you can help wild birds survive the winter
Season's Tweetings! Birds fly into your life providing majestic beauty and songs to brighten your day. During the winter months, birds need extra help finding food, shelter, and help when they are hurt. The Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre (OVWBCC) works tirelessly through the winter- and the rest of the year- to take birds under their wing. The OVWBCC team knows that one small act of kindness can help save a bird's life. Patty McLaughlin, Education and Public Engagement Coordinator at OVWBCC, and her team are working hard to raise awareness about the help birds need throughout the winter and I was fortunate enough to get expert tips about how to support the wild bird community this holiday season. I had many questions for Patty. How can you help wild birds survive the harsh winter weather? What do birds need in the winter to help them find food, shelter, and medical care? What can I do at home?