Do you have a story to tell? Share your story on Paws For Reaction
This year more than ever, I've been providing an outlet for people in the community to share their stories. I've teamed up with some wonderful and interesting guest bloggers, interviewed experts in their fields, and supported different organizations. I want to keep expanding upon that. That being said, Paws For Reaction is looking for new guest bloggers!
Hanging with Hazel: The ups and downs of working from home
You all know me- I'm Hazel. I'm having the best time being a big city dog. Mum is disappointed that the rona is still pretty bad. I pretend that it bothers me too, but I have a secret. The rona is the best thing that has ever happened to a big city dog like me. Before the rona mum used to leave me all day. She would go somewhere called 'work' and come back with all kinds of weird smells I didn't recognize. And I'm pretty sure she was eating food without sharing it with me! Since the rona got bad she is with me every day working from home! Now I'm not just a big city dog- I'm a big career dog! Mum and I work from home together, which is mostly great because mum doesn't eat any food without my strict oversight. But it does have its challenges.
Frosted festivities: How to celebrate National Cupcake Day during the pandemic?
How sweet it is to save animals! Heather Jobe, the Community Development Coordinator at the Ontario SPCA Renfrew County Animal Centre, wants you to "sprinkle the love for animals in need by participating in National Cupcake Day!" This year's frosted fundraiser culminates on February 22, 2021. Like everything else in the world, the celebration has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. But that's alright- Heather has some advice about how you can think outside the muffin tin to celebrate the sweetest day of the year.
The pet food industry's dirty secret: Ingredient splitting, "real" meat, all-natural, and a ban on by-products
Do you think the concept of fake news is a recent thing? The retail pet food industry has been serving up its own brand of fake news for more than a decade. Today's pet owners are savvy and have a hunger for knowledge; much of the knowledge they seek is available at their fingertips. The tip of their paws, if you will. But like an all-caps tweet typed by Donald Trump on the toilet at 2:00 AM, most information dished by retail pet food companies will be found false once it's fact-checked. Much of the information is based on human diet trends that are influencing the industry. While conceptual and anecdotal information is pleasing to hear and easy to digest- and science is confusing and questioning- it's important to remember the fundamental rule of retail: you are being marketed to.
Happy 6th birthday to Hazel! Here are some highlights from Hazel's birthday celebration!
The end is coming: A New Year's message of overcoming 2020
The world is letting out a collective sigh of relief as 2020 comes to a close. We have some small glimmers of hope lighting up the horizon. Several vaccines have been created- thank you, scientists! There are fewer unknowns about the virus and how it spreads. We are better prepared to deal with lockdowns, second waves, and changes to protocols. There is awareness being raised about being kind, shopping local, and supporting the needy. The pandemic that separated and isolated us could end up bringing us closer than ever. The end of the year doesn't flip a switch but it may bring forth enough change to get the lights back on.
Guest blog by Imani Hamilton. So excited to welcome her to the Paws For Reaction extended family! This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. |
Guest blog: Sustainable dog products for the New Year and beyond
Entering the New Year, climate action and environmental protection are more important than ever, as we collectively seek to reduce our carbon emissions by 65% and protect our precious ecosystems in time to prevent irreversible climate change. And yes, our furry companions have an environmental footprint that's worth reducing. The good news is, there are a few choices we can make in our suite of doggo basics that do make an environmental difference.
Bark the halls: Merry Christmas and happy holidays from Hazel
This holiday season we were gifted with further Covid-19 lockdowns in Ontario. I know for folks in assisted living facilities, small business owners, non-essential workers, and single people who live alone, this news is a tough turkey to swallow. For the next 28 days, some of us will be separated from the people we love the most. It will be difficult, but we will get through this together.
Feeding Ottawa's fur-families: Ottawa Paw Pantry is dedicated to supporting community pets in need
Food banks have been a lifeline for people struggling to make ends meet. I'm not immune to struggle- I have used the services of the Food Bank. That's why donating to and supporting local food banks has been a passion of mine. But what about our pets? They're family and we are responsible for feeding them, but sometimes we need help. In Ottawa there is a non-profit that has been dedicated to supporting fur-families in need.
Guest blog: Living with my one-eyed, three-legged cat
Guest blog by Kathy M. Finley. So excited to welcome her to the Paws For Reaction extended family! |
While in the midst of a bitter divorce and a stressful job, I received an unusual birthday gift- a gray and white kitten. That gift, whom I named Clio, was a blessing, and besides having a slight heart murmur, she was a healthy cat. I had no idea that seven years later, I would be caring for a disabled pet.
Paw it forward: OSPCA Howliday campaigns helping pets and people in the Renfrew County community
There are many creatures stirring this holiday season, and some of those creatures need your help. Do you remember the amazing holiday campaigns the Ontario SPCA Renfrew County Animal Centre launched that I featured on Paws For Reaction? I reconnected with Heather Jobe, the Community Development Coordinator, to get an update on how their holiday season is going.
The 12 ways of Christmas: 12 ways you can support animals, wildlife, and children in need
On the first day of Christmas, my community gave to me a helping hand and a second chance. I've decided to kick the 12 days of Christmas to the curb and replace it with the 12 ways of Christmas. Don't worry, I still included some birds! This year has been a struggle and the community needs your support and generosity. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ontario Government has supported people's financial struggles. But what about support for those who rarely voice their needs: pets, wildlife, nature, and children? Paws For Reaction is a voice for the voiceless, and that's what the 12 ways of Christmas are all about.
Toxic food, dangerous decorations, and problematic parties: How to keep your pet safe from dangerous holiday hazards
I enjoy holiday food and festivities! As much as I know Hazel loves her advent calendar and opening her stocking on Christmas morning, I'm well aware that including her in some holiday traditions has me barking up the wrong Christmas tree. The holidays can be loud and scary for a pet. It can be sensory overload, and at times they can feel threatened. Your pet is a valued member of the family, and ensuring they are safe and comfortable during this festive season is important. The holidays pose many risks for your pet- health risks as well as a risk of heightened anxiety. Christmas dangers are everywhere, so it's important to keep your pet safe. I've put together a comprehensive list of holiday hazards and tips about how to keep your pet safe during the Christmas season.
Under your wing: How you can help wild birds survive the winter
Season's Tweetings! Birds fly into your life providing majestic beauty and songs to brighten your day. During the winter months, birds need extra help finding food, shelter, and help when they are hurt. The Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre (OVWBCC) works tirelessly through the winter- and the rest of the year- to take birds under their wing. The OVWBCC team knows that one small act of kindness can help save a bird's life. Patty McLaughlin, Education and Public Engagement Coordinator at OVWBCC, and her team are working hard to raise awareness about the help birds need throughout the winter and I was fortunate enough to get expert tips about how to support the wild bird community this holiday season. I had many questions for Patty. How can you help wild birds survive the harsh winter weather? What do birds need in the winter to help them find food, shelter, and medical care? What can I do at home?
Two for Tuesday: I'm asking you to do these two things on Giving Tuesday to support local wildlife
Giving won't be easy for some people this year. Many Ontario citizens have suffered financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic. Non-profits, charities, and organizations that support nature and wildlife have also been greatly impacted by the pandemic. Today is Giving Tuesday, a day when people make donations to support charities that mean a lot to them. I want to go two for Tuesday. I present to you two ways you can support nature and wildlife right here in Ontario that I've donated to for Giving Tuesday. I'm asking my readers who are considering which initiative to support today to consider one (or both) of these Ontario campaigns that need your help.
Book review: Ruth Ware's books keep climbing up the bestseller list, One By One
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Ruth Ware has done it again! She keeps crafting creative mysteries and plots that propel the reader forward, and One By One is no exception. This is the ultimate Fall Reading List book. Set on a snowy mountain in France, the story is as chilling as the white powder that swallows the characters whole.
Guest blog: What it's really like to be a professional dog walker
Guest blog by Louise St-Pierre. So excited to welcome her to the Paws For Reaction extended family!
I have learned a lot from my experiences with dogs. I currently own two beautiful dogs and have been a dog owner for 25 years. I truly love dogs and being outside all day, in all types of weather. After working in the fitness and service industry for 20 years I wanted a change; a job that would incorporate the many things I love. Fast forward to now. I have been a professional dog walker for 11 years. I never imagined that I could make a living doing something I loved so much. What I love most about being a dog walker is that I work for myself and my clients. I'm my own boss, which is amazing.
Christmas mourning: How to cope with your first holiday season after losing a pet
I'm forcing myself to be festive this year. I've had times in my life when I skipped Christmas altogether. "I'm not Christmasing this year," I'd say when people asked me standard holiday questions like "Do you have your tree up yet?" This year I'm forcing myself to be festive for the sake of my mental health. One small reason is the COVID-19 pandemic has sucked so much happiness out of 2020 that I'm trying to infuse some of the obligatory Christmas joy into what's left of the year. The biggest reason for my forced festivities is Keira. More specifically the loss of Keira I suffered earlier this year.
National Senior Pet Month: Everything you need to know about senior pets and pet insurance
I love the grey fur that appears around a senior dog's eyes as they age, the mark that they've experienced life. The mark that they've given a lifetime of love. To leave our mark on them we need to prepare to support them during their golden years. I'm going to talk about one of my favourite topics- pet insurance. When we think about pet insurance we often think of puppies and kittens, but senior pets are eligible for insurance coverage too.
Since November is National Senior Pet Month, I connected with Karolyne Trottier, Regional Manager at Pets Plus Us pet insurance for a Q&A about pet insurance for senior pets. Can a senior pet get pet insurance? What about their pre-existing conditions? I asked Karolyne everything I could think of about senior pets and pet insurance, and these are her answers!
Paws to Support Local: How you can give back to local businesses and animals in need at the same time
Are you able to lend a helping paw to a pet in need? Or give a local small business a bone? Ontario SPCA Renfrew County Animal Centre, located in Pembroke, Ontario, has found a way to give back to animals in need and local businesses this holiday season. Paws to Support Local is the purrr-fect way to get in the spirit of giving.
Deck the DIY gift ideas: Homemade mason jar lid Christmas tree ornaments
Christmas isn't just a time for giving; it's also a time for crafting! I love mixing the two and making my family homemade Christmas gifts every year. Sometimes I make my own cards, sometimes I bake- I've even made my own candles using teacups found at yard sales and thrift stores. But my favourite Christmas craft is mason jar lid tree ornaments.
Book review: A Southern supernatural thriller about a seedy swamp and all its creatures
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Andy Davidson's The Boatman's Daughter paints a dark and bloody tale of the painful lives of outsiders. While Davidson's book was wildly creative, it failed to draw me in. I kept reading, hoping it would be a slow burn, however it never caught fire for me. I did enjoy the Russian folklore in the book and the mysticism, but being a huge fan of witches, I was hoping for a more interesting witch. I will give the author this: the prose is beautiful at times and I LOVE the cover!
iAdopt for the Holidays: 'Tis the season to find a forever home
It's that time of year again- the season of giving, and I have an excellent way to give. It's a win-win! iAdopt for the Holidays is sponsored by Petplan pet insurance. This holiday adoption campaign runs now until December 31, 2020, at participating SPCAs, humane societies, and rescue groups across Canada. Ontario SPCA Renfrew County Animal Centre, located in Pembroke, Ontario, services the Renfrew County community where my family is from. Their goal for this holiday campaign is to find loving forever homes for as many animals as possible.
International guest blog: Agroecology farming and its contribution to climate change mitigation and sustainable food production
International guest blog by Tulyahabwe Rogers (from Uganda, East Africa). So excited to welcome him to the Paws For Reaction extended family! |
Severe, diverse, and location-specific impacts on agricultural production are anticipated with climate change. The last IPCC report indicates that the rise of carbon dioxide and associated greenhouse gases could lead to a 1.4 to 5.8 °C increase in global surface temperatures, with subsequent consequences on precipitation frequency and amounts. The 2013 report of the IPCC authoritatively re-affirms that climate change and variability will impact food and fiber production around the world due to the effects on plant growth and yield by the elevated carbon dioxide, higher temperatures, altered precipitation, and transpiration regimes, and increased frequency of extreme events, as well as modified weed, pest and pathogen pressure. Therefore, more durable benefits will likely result from radical agroecological measures that will strengthen the resilience of farmers and rural communities. Traditional farming systems are repositories of a wealth of principles and measures that can help modern agricultural systems become more resilient to climate change.