Photo by derfian Foter CC BY-NC-SA |
Pet food recall: May 2015
OC Raw Dog Recalls Turkey & Produce Raw Frozen
Canine Formulation Because of Possible Salmonella Health Risk
1-844-215-DOGS (3647)
FDA PRESS RELEASE — May 15, 2015 — Ranch Santa Margarita, CA — OC
Raw Dog of Rancho Santa Margarita, CA is voluntarily recalling 2055 lbs. of
Turkey & Produce Raw Frozen Canine Formulation because it has the
potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. An organism which
can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or
elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Salmonella can
affect animals eating the products and there is risk to humans from handling
contaminated pet products, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their
hands after having contact with the products or any surfaces exposed to these
Animal Planet host weighs in on pet travel: NEW VIDEO
Dan Schachner Photo provided by Petco |
Check out the video of my interview with Dan Schachner!
you picture a family vacation do you see your pets there with you?
Imagine the sun on your face and the sand beneath your feet- and your
dog by your side. Does it seem attainable? Animal Planet host
and Puppy
Bowl referee Dan Schachner thinks that it is and
he has teamed up with Petco to help pet owners prepare
for a trip with their pets. Although
it does require a lot of planning in advance and dedicated research,
travelling with your dog or cat can be a safe and enjoyable experience
for the whole family...
CLICK HERE to see the video interview!
Animal Planet host weighs in on pet travel: Trip preparation and packing
Photo by Christina Spicuzza Foter.com CC BY-SA
Just like
researching documents in advance is a wise decision making a list of what to pack
early on can save pet owners a lot of headaches and grief. “If you are scrambling
the night before a trip- running to the pet store and trying to grab as many
items as you can it’s probably not the best idea- especially if you are
flying,” Animal
Planet host Dan Schachner explained during May
6 interview.
previously mentioned pets may need certain medications while travelling and
being sure these meds can enter the country is highly important. It is also
important to make sure you have enough meds to get your pet through the trip.
Other general upkeep items may be required such as nail clippers, brushes,
dental care items, ear cleansers and grooming supplies. Any liquids may be
regulated by border security and may not be allowed on aeroplanes in certain
quantities. An emergency first-aid kit
is always a good idea for any travelling pet.
Animal Planet host weighs in on pet travel: EXCLUSIVE extras from the interview
Photo by Storm Crypt Foter.com CC BY-NC-ND |
Being an Animal
Planet host and Puppy Bowl
referee keeps Dan Schachner busy. When he is not
shooting the hit TV show America’s
Cutest Pets, supporting animal shelters or teaming up with Petco
to educate pet owners he can be found spending time with his children. On May 6
Schachner shared his Top 3 Pet Travel
Safety Tips:
Do in depth research. “Get people on the phone- don’t just
trust what you read online on pet blogs or traveller experience blogs. Go
directly to that airline, that hotel, that destination and do your research as
many times as possible- especially if it is your first time.”
Proper identification. “Second of all make sure your pet has
proper ID and by that I mean a tag with not just their name and your name but a
cell phone number because you are travelling- you’re not going to be home. So
an immediate contact number is key.”
Packing and preparation. “The third one is sort of an umbrella
tip about having all of the right supplies. That’s not just treats, that’s not
just food- that’s also medical records, backup medicine if your dog has any
also shared his 4 Personal Pet Travel Products that he recommends
for pet parents with a case of the wanderlust:
On the plane: "If you plan to travel by air with your pet, know the airline's
pet policies, including size requirements for the passenger and cargo
areas," said Schachner. "When I travel with my dog Cali, I love using
the Sherpa
To Go Pet Carrier, which is
approved for in-cabin use by most major airlines."
Photo by Karin Beil Foter.com CC BY-NC-ND |
Planet host weighs in on pet travel: Air travel and car rides
Crossing the
border with a pet can be complicated and daunting for pet owners. Animal
Planet host Dan Schachner has been there too.
“Bear in mind that certain things are going to be tricky- security for example
might be a little bit tricky with the dog,” Schachner said on May 6. “You are going to have to remove the dog from
the carrier and take it with you. TSA people will want to examine your pet.
There are going to be some steps along the way where they are really going to
scrutinize your animal and then the animal is going to have to go back into its
Pet travel
will be more difficult when flying for many reasons but knowing airline
regulations can make the whole process go smoother. The pet will have to be in
a well ventilated crate or carrier of some sort. Schachner recommends allowing
the pet to get a lot of exposure to the carrier before the trip to make the
animal feel more at ease while travelling.
May the fourth be with you!
Happy May 4th to all my fellow Star Wars fans! These dogs want to celebrate with you!
Photo by Gaynoir_ Source CC BY-NC-SA