Guest blog: Living with my one-eyed, three-legged cat
Guest blog by Kathy M. Finley. So excited to welcome her to the Paws For Reaction extended family! |
While in the midst of a bitter divorce and a stressful job, I received an unusual birthday gift- a gray and white kitten. That gift, whom I named Clio, was a blessing, and besides having a slight heart murmur, she was a healthy cat. I had no idea that seven years later, I would be caring for a disabled pet.
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association has revised its previous position statement on feline declawing
Photo by Tambako The Jaguar Flickr |
The CVMA released a statement that the association has revised it's previous position on the onychectomy- better known as declawing- of domestic cats. The statement reads that explicitly state that the CVMA “opposes elective and non-therapeutic Partial Digital Amputation (PDA), commonly known as declawing or onychectomy, of domestic cats.”