Organic Week starts today!
September 17 - 25
World Environment Day: What is your Eco Friendly Routine
The environment is something that is very important to me and my fur family, and it is something that I try to promote on Paws For Reaction. Today is World Environment Day and what I love about this day is that everyone across the globe is sharing their love for the environment and what they do to preserve this beautiful green planet of ours. Today on Twitter I will be tweeting #MyEcoFriendlyRoutine on my personal twitter account @GonzoTheFacey with some of the things I do to recycle, promote a sustainable environment and battle climate change.
What are some of the things you do as part of your eco friendly routine? Please tweet me @GonzoTheFacey or @PawsForReaction and let me know! I can't wait to retweet all of your tips!!
With #Easter just around the corner, many pet owners are wondering: Are #eggs good for #pets?
Photo by Frank Roche CC BY-NC |
Seedy Sunday: Local event promotes seed saving and local products
March 6, 2016- There is always something seedy to do in
the Ottawa Valley! I had a wonderfully educational day at the Rankin Culture
and Recreation Centre for the 9th Annual Seedy Sunday, a seed swap
and heirloom seed sale that promotes local and organic agriculture. The event,
sponsored by Ottawa River Institute, invites the public to come out to “share
and prepare for the gardening season” but also sends a deeper message of environmental
health and a sustainable future. My fiancé and I prepared by planning our 8ft
vegetable garden while Hazel fell asleep on the Canadian Gardener’s Guide, dreaming of when she could once again
sneak into the garden and eat all of the green beans right off the plant.
Doggy Christmas gift idea: Tasty treat and the gift of giving #DOGforDOGPetSmart
This post is sponsored by DOG for DOG and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about DOG for DOG being available at PetSmart Canadian stores but Paws For Reaction only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. DOG for DOG and PetSmart are not responsible for the content of this article.
The magic of the holidays is in the air and I am looking for gifts to go in Hazel and Keira’s stocking. This is Hazel’s first Christmas and I want it to be special. I was really excited when I heard about DOG for DOG pet treats because for every item they sell they donate all-natural DOGSFOOD to help feed dogs in need! This is the season of giving so I had to get involved and try some of their products.
DOG for DOG is all about providing dogs with tasty and nutritious food, because every dog deserves that! DOG for DOG includes three different types of treats that I am sampling with my girls. They are all available at Canadian PetSmart locations:
DOGSBUTTER: Peanut butter for dogs! This product was inspired by all natural peanut butter at the Los Angeles Farmers Market. It is gluten free with no added salt, sugar or hydrogenated oils. A lot of human-grade peanut butter on the market today contains the sugar substitute xylitol that if ingested is toxic to dogs. This peanut butter is safe for my dog and it is nutritious too. It is perfect because Hazel loves peanut butter in her Kong!
Pet food with No Bad Anything: Discover the #SubZeroDifference
This post is sponsored by Nutrience, PetSmart, and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the launch of Nutrience Subzero in PetSmart Canada but Paws For Reaction only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Nutrience and PetSmart are not responsible for the content of this article.
Keira had an exciting trip to PetSmart® when we went to pick up our bag of Nutrience® Subzero™ and discover the #SubZeroDifference for ourselves. She’s not a very excitable dog but she sure loves PetSmart®- she wouldn’t even hold still for one good photo!
I often use pet food as treats for my dogs and I highly recommend it. Pet food is more balanced than pet treats so I use food to make sure my girls don’t gain weight while we are training- especially Hazel. Weight gain is bad for their hips. And we do a lot of training- especially Hazel!